Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Welcome to Year 5.

We hope everyone has had a restful Easter break and a happy Eid. This term, Year 5 welcomes two new members in the team: Miss Linnell, who has taken over from Mrs Hill-Cornwell and Mrs Fakih, who has taken over from Mrs Drummond. Both have ensured a smooth transition for the children and are delighted to be with us. 

We have an exciting summer term ahead! Following on from the success of our trip to the Tower of London, we are working hard to organise another trip, this time linked to our geography topic of biomes and the rainforest. Keep an eye out for details when it is finalised. 



Homework is set daily on Google Classroom.

  • MathShed activities are assigned every day.
  • TT Rock Stars is for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in addition to MathShed.
  • the Spelling task, is assigned weekly.
  • Reading is daily. Please listen to your child read for a minimum of 10 minutes every night, discuss their book and sign their journal. 



Our new reading book, The Jaguar Trials’,  is also linked to our geography topic as it is set in the heart of the Amazon jungle, where the characters try to take part in dangerous trials, lift a curse and find a missing Dad, all with the help of an unusual jaguar. 

Please continue to listen to your child read aloud daily and discuss the plot and characters together. Have conversations about facts they have learnt from non-fiction and ask questions to check their understanding. Reading is the best way for children to develop their vocabulary and their imagination and forms the foundation for success in all the other subjects!



In writing, we continue to develop our writing skills for different purposes and this term we will focus on how to write a discussion text. Having lots of discussions at home, where different viewpoints are shared and explained, will be an excellent way to support our school work and improve the children's speaking and debating skills!

This term, our spelling lessons and spelling homework will be on words containing the 'ough' sound, words that are homophones (e.g. aloud/allowed, grown/groan, etc) as well as words that are adverbs of possibility and frequency (e.g. definitely, probably, rarely, etc).  In handwriting, we are continuing to develop joined writing at speed, looking at consistent size of lower case letters and consistent orientation of ascenders and descenders. Punctuation in Year 5 includes some exciting features to support more sophisticated sentence structures and includes features such as brackets, dashes, commas for a variety of purposes, colons and semi-colons.

Ways to support your child with English 
Please find below a list of websites which will help your child succeed in reading and writing: 
Read together daily! Talk about words and characters and settings and what you might you do in similar situations. Take turns to read to keep your child motivated. (please use your child's google classroom log in details)


In Maths, this term we will be continuing our unit on decimals with problem solving before moving on to angles; learning how to draw, measure and calculate them. 

Please continue to help your children with their homework on MathShed to consolidate what we are learning in class and to practise their multiplication tables to 12 x 12 on Times Table Rockstars.

Ways to support your child with Maths 
Please find below a list of websites which will help your child succeed in maths: 
White Rose Maths has excellent videos designed for home learning if a child needs to revisit maths concepts at home:
They also have a good series of videos for parents explaining how maths in taught in classrooms using a mastery approach:
Science this term will involve looking at the life cycles of plants and animals. We will be dissecting daffodils, taking cuttings, observing a colony of brine shrimp eggs hatch, and making comparisons between the life cycles of different animals. We will also be learning about the work of different scientists in this field.
Some useful websites on the topic are:


PE is on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and appropriate PE kit (plain tops, dark jogging bottoms, suitable trainers) which is clearly labelled, is very much appreciated! Hair should be tied back and earrings removed or taped. This term's topics are Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA) and Golf.


In computing, we will be looking at search engines, developing our research skills and learning how to find accurate information.


We start our biomes and rainforest unit by learning to locate the different vegetation belts on a map and learning about the importance of the rainforests to the Earth's ecosystem.
Our unit this term is shopping and we will start by learning how to buy fruit and vegetables.
Our learning for life skill this term is how to have discussions and communicate effectively. Each week we will practise a different skill, such as projecting our voice so that it is at the correct volume and tone, building on the viewpoint of others, reaching a shared agreement and challenging different viewpoints courteously.
Children are taught how to become successful independent learners by changing their mindset. This term we are looking at resilience.
Year 5 Enriching Experiences 
Our experience day will be a trip to support our geography topic on biomes and the rainforest.

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