
Safeguarding Children
At Castlefield School, the health, welfare and safety of every child is paramount.  We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us.  We expect all staff to be professionally curious in order to maintain a safeguarding culture.
We want to work in partnership with all stakeholders to ensure our children reach their full potential and make a positive contribution; now and in their future. We aim to ensure all children aspire to do something positive with their lives and play a productive part in modern British society.
The school's Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) for child protection are:
Mr Kann (Headteacher)
The school has 3 additional deputy DSLs:
Mrs James (Safeguarding and Welfare Officer)
Miss Wilson (Deputy Headteacher)
Miss Sutcliffe (Lower Phase Leader)
Our Child Protection Policy can be found here 
MOMO - Below is advice and support for parents about what Momo is and how you can keep your children safe.
For more information about keeping your child safe online, take a look at the Gaming Information page under the Parents tab.

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