
Welcome to Nursery
Nursery is the the start of the Early Years Foundation Stage at Castlefield School. We have separate provision for 2-3 year olds and 3-4 year olds, with opportunities for all of the children to join together for play in our outdoor area, as well as during adult led sessions at different times throughout the year.
We focus on supporting children to develop their language, communication skills, and social skills in particular through a range of child initiated learning experiences, supported by a team of Early Years specialist practitioners.
Settling in!
We have been meeting our new friends and exploring all the interesting and fun things in the nursery.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Supporting children to increase in confidence, become more independent and regulate their emotions is an ongoing focus throughout the Nursery year. 
This half term we are working towards becoming more independent in the setting, managing our belongings with less support and continuing to develop and consolidate friendships with peers.
Physical Development
Our outdoor Continuous Provision allows children to access a range of resources to support physical development, movement and gross motor skills. Adults work alongside children to encourage them to attempt physical challenges, particularly when using the fixed climbing equipment.
Children have free access to our outdoor area each day, Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing for the weather (including wellington boots and a waterproof coat on wet days).
Communication, Language and Literacy
Throughout their time in Nursery, children are supported to develop their conversational skills and use language imaginatively during their play. We introduce children to new vocabulary in context through play as well as through our 'never heard the word' focus.
Early reading and writing skills are encouraged within our continuous provision which allows children to freely access mark making materials and books.
Mathematical Development
Counting and number recognition are supported daily though songs, rhymes and games. Access to mathematical resources allows children to follow their own interests and begin to solve simple mathematical problems.
Developing writing skills
Writing in the Early Years is a whole body experience. Children need to develop their large muscles through large movements such as climbing, swinging, pushing and pulling.
Smaller movements using the hands and fingers develop the muscles needed for using pens and pencils. Activities such as threading and playing with playdough are good ways to strengthen these.
You can support your child to develop their skills with pens and pencils by giving them lots of opportunities to draw.
Making patterns using lines, circles and zig zags will help develop letter formation.
Expressive Arts and Design
We offer the children the opportunity to be creative and explore a variety of media and materials through our Continuous Provision. There is always an opportunity to paint, draw, mark make, dance, make music and play imaginatively.
Supporting your child's learning at home
Carrying out fun daily activities with familiar adults is the best way to help your child continue their learning at home. Reading stories and singing songs together are perfect for developing language and imaginative skills. Below are links to additional websites with lots of ideas and videos to help you and your child.
 'What to Expect When'- A guide to child development with ideas on supporting your child's learning at home.

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