Remote Learning

Remote Learning Provision 


For all children in Years R-6, all homework is set through Google Classroom.

  • Through the continued use of online learning platforms as 'normal' practice, we retain the ability to switch to remote learning almost immediately, providing continuous high quality learning that will mirror on site provision.


Our remote provision can be summarised as follows:
  • Work and feedback are provided through Google Classroom for all children in from Reception to Year 6. These include pre-recorded lessons from our teachers, assignments to build on and consolidate, taught content and links to external resources and educational sites.
  • Remote learning mirrors the full curriculum taught in school and children learning at home are not provided any more or less learning content than those children receiving on site provision.
  • Weekly 'live', whole class Google Meet sessions are provided to enable children to retain a sense of belonging and to remain in contact with peers.
  • Provision is in place to loan IT and Internet access facilities to children with no/limited access (please contact the office if you require this).
  • Weekly contact is maintained with families/children who are remote learning. This is done through Google Meet and telephone calls to 'keep in touch'. Telephone calls would typically include discussion about work, welfare and general encouragement.
  • SEN, catch up & NELI interventions are delivered 'live' through Google Meets (specific children only).
  • Nursery provision is emailed to parents, including short inputs delivered by the teacher (using concrete 'home' resources), story time and activities that cover all of the areas of learning. Links to other websites related to the topic or skills focus are provided.
Having Difficulties?
Below is a video clip showing you how to log in to Google Classroom and access the work being set by the class teachers.
Here is some information to remind you how to upload work onto Google Classroom. 
Below there is also a video showing you how to access your online learning including using Google Classroom on a mobile phone. 
Staying Safe Online
It is important to learn good and safe ways of using the Internet. Be involved with your children's online activity and support them with their online work and leisure time.

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