Welcome to Year 1.
The year 1 team are:
- Miss Mac Millan - 1M (Year Leader)
- Mrs Azeem - 1A
- Mrs Horlock - Teaching assistant
- Mrs Ashfaq - Teaching assistant
- Mr Qasim - Teaching assistant
- Mrs Parveen - Teaching assistant
The children will be having PE every Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure that PE kits are plain and appropriate for the time of year.
Welcome Meeting
If you were unable to attend the Year One Welcome Meeting, please find attached the PowertPoint slides.
Your child is required to log onto Numbots everyday. Their username and password can be found in their blue homework diary. If they do not know their login details then please speak to their class teacher.
Please click the link : https://play.numbots.com/#/account/school-login-type? to access the Numbots website and remember to support your child in completing this work.
Your child will receive paper copies of the green and red words linked to their Phonics lesson. They should practise reading and spelling these.
It is very important that your child reads everyday. Please remember to sign their homework diary when you have listened to them read. Your child will visit our Year 1 library to change their reading books weekly. We change reading books weekly so that they are able to demonstrate that they have understood what they have read. This also enables the them to increase their fluency and understanding.
Children take home two library books; one is linked to their phonics group and the other is for reading pleasure.
Useful Websites
Class Reading
In class reading, we shall be reading and exploring the texts: Zog, The Three Little Pigs and The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Next half term we will be reading Hansel and Gretel, The Gruffalo's Child and Lazy Ozzie.
This half term in Maths, we will be using our numbers to 20 to add and subtract. We will also be exploring length, height, weight and volume. Next half term we will be looking at larger numbers to 50.
This half term's Science will be focused on naming and classifying animals. Next half term will be all seasonal changes (Spring) and the weather.
In PSHE we are learning about being safe in the world.
In RE, we will be learning about important places such as churches and synagogues.
History and Geography
This half term Geography is about our local area
In History, next half term, we will be looking at the history of our school.
PE this half term is Yoga and sending and receiving. Next half term we will be using fundamental skills and playing net and wall games.
During this half term our topic in Computing will be exploring algorithms and next half term we will be looking at digital imagery.
This half term’s Music will be exploring timbre and rhythmic patterns, next half term we will be introduced to classical music, dynamics and tempo.
Art and DT
In Art, we will be creating landscape pictures in the style of Georges Seurat.
In DT, we will be designing and making homes for the three little pigs.
Trips and Visitors
This half term we will be taking a walk around our local area looking for man-made and natural features. We are also very excited about having the opportunity to have a Rabbi come and talk to us about Judaism.