Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Year 2! Here is some useful information of what we will be doing this term.
The Year 2 team is:
- Mrs Bland - Class 2B
- Miss Randall - Class 2R
- Miss Hutt - Set Teacher
- Mrs Fakih - Student Teacher
- Mrs Westbury - Teaching Assistant
- Mrs Parveen - Teaching Assistant
- Mrs Millard - Teaching Assistant
The children will have PE lessons on Tuesday and Thursday, so please make sure PE kits are in school on those days.
Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit. Our PE kit is a plain kit consisting of:
- Plain royal blue shorts or navy-blue tracksuit bottoms (plain navy-blue leggings may be worn if they are changed from leggings worn as part of the full school uniform);
- Plain royal blue crew neck t-shirt;
- Plain navy-blue tracksuit top, hoodie or sweatshirt;
- Plain white or black trainers.
Please note, the following will not be acceptable:
- Branded clothes (e.g. Nike/adidas), except trainers
- Football kits
- Clothes in other colours
If you have any questions or would like to speak to the class teachers or Miss Sutcliffe (Lower Phase Lead), please contact the office to make an appointment.
Your child will be set Maths homework everyday.
The children will either complete an activity on Mathshed or play TT Rockstars for at least 10mins.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - TT Rockstars
Thursday and Friday - Mathshed
Your child should have been given a username and password for Google Classroom, Mathshed and TT Rockstars. If your child does not know their login details, please ask their class teacher.
Please support you child completing this work.
Please read with your child each day and record this in their reading journal. Reading 20 minutes everyday has a huge impact on their Reading and will support them in accessing the rest of the curriculum.
This term the children will be continuing to embed their understanding of Number and Place Value, building on from what they learned in Year 1. They will then complete the following topics:
- Addition and Subtraction
- Money
- Multiplication and Division
Please support your child at home by counting in 1s (forwards and backwards), counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and practising addition and subtraction. The children also need to learn pairs of numbers that make 10 and 20 fluently. E.g. 2 + 8 = 10 and 12 + 8 = 20.
This term, Year 2’s Science lessons will all about Everyday Materials. The children will learn what the properties of different materials are and what they are used for. They will have the opportunity to work scientifically and take part in a variety of investigations.
In the Autumn term, our featured Artist is Any Warhol. The children will developing their understanding of the 'Pop Art' movement. The children will also create self- portraits in a Pop Art style.
In the Autumn term, the children will be sewing and creating bookmarks. They will learn how to thread needles and do a simple running stitch.
During the Autumn term, Year 2 will be learning about the Countries and Capital Cities of the UK. They will also learn about the seas that surround the UK. They will have the opportunity to use VR headsets to exploring some of the different places in the UK.
Our History topic in the Autumn term is Famous Queens. The children will learn about a few famous Queens and have the opportunity to visit Windsor Castle, the home of some of these Queens.