Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3.


In the Year 3 team, we have Miss Sutcilffe (Phase leader), Mrs Quinton (Year Leader and 3Q Teacher) and Mrs Sheehan (3S Teacher) and two Teaching Assistants, Mrs Akhtar and Miss Mahmood. 




For the first 4 weeks of Term Autumn B we will be using the text Traction Man as a stimulus to write a defeating the monster story, our writing focus will be action. We will then spend 3 weeks enjoying The Tear Thief as a stimulus for writing finding tales, focussing on character development and description.  



We will be using Spelling Shed for our spelling lessons and homework, following the National Curriculum spelling patterns and rules for Year 3. 


Please continue to support your child in spelling all Key Stage 1 words and the Year 3 and 4 common exception words.




In our Master Readers lessons we will reading and discussing the stories 'The Boy Who Grew Dragons' by Andy Shepherd and 'Bill's New Frock' by Anne Fine. 


This half-term we will be learning methods to help us to add and subtract. We will then move onto multiplication and division.

We enjoy daily mental maths tasks and learning how to reason and problem solve.

At home, please help your children with their daily homework and practise the times tables regularly. By the end of Year 3 the children are expected to know the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. They should also be able to find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number.

All homework is set and signposted on Google Classroom. 

All children are expected to complete their homework every day. This includes their Maths homework and reading every day.

Times Tables Rockstars Homework for Maths is now set Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Children will do 10+ minutes per day. 

Maths Shed Homework is set on Thursdays and Fridays. Children must complete both of the 2 assignments set per week. 

Spelling homework is set on Spelling Shed. Children are set 3 games to be done over the week which prepares them for a spelling test in class, every Friday. 


Once all homework is completed, home journals need to be signed by an adult. 

We really do appreciate the support of parents and carers in ensuring that homework is completed on time and to a high standard. 

Login details for Google Classroom and Maths shed can be found in the back of your child's home journal. 


Should you wish to contact your child’s class teacher, please email the office and the message will be forwarded. If you have any problems with your child getting on to Google Classroom or Maths shed to complete homework then please contact the school office to arrange to discuss this with the child’s class teacher or write in your child's journal so your child's teacher is made aware. 


Year Three have PE on Thursdays and Fridays.

The children will be doing Tag Rugby on Thursdays and Dance on Fridays. 

Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school from Monday to Friday. They will need a pair of trainers as lessons will take place both inside and outside.  Also, please ensure your child has an appropriate kit for colder/warmer weather.


This term, we are learning about the topic of Light and sources of light. 



In DT we are making moving posters. We will be researching designs, then learning the skills to make, then designing our own and making them and then evaluating our moving posters. 



In History we are learning about how Stone Age people lived. We had a Stone Age themed day on September 19th which was enormous fun. The teachers and children looked fantastic in their costumes! 

As we begin Term Autumn B we move from the Stone Age into the Iron Age. We will be visiting our local Iron Age Fort and appreciating how people lived during this period, here in High Wycombe. 



In our Music lessons we shall be appreciating Indian music, melodies, rhythms and instruments. We will enjoy learning songs and composing our own in this style. 



We love to learn how to code using Scratch. Join Scratch at home online and work on improving your skills - it's great fun!





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