Welcome to Year 5.
Our teaching team this year includes Mrs Keys, Miss Linnell, Ms Farid and Mrs Nawaz.
Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.
There are three pieces of homework expected every day. Please sign the reading journal to show that each of the following has been completed:
1) 20 minutes of reading to an adult
2) Maths Task
3) English Task
Maths shed and Spelling on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
TTRS and Grammar on Tuesday and Thursday.
Reading should include listening to a child read aloud and having discussions about the plot and characters.
Our fiction book this term, is 'The Jamie Drake Equation' by Christopher Edge and it’s about a boy whose dad is an astronaut looking for alien life in space. Please continue to listen to your child read aloud daily and discuss the plot and characters together. Ask questions to check their understanding and encourage them to make comparisons with other books and their own experience. Reading is the best way for children to develop their vocabulary and their imagination and forms the foundation for success in all the other subjects!
Our writing will focus on using dialogue in narratives in a way that moves the plot along and reveals how the characters are feeling, and then punctuating it correctly.
Our spelling lessons will focus on words that include silent letters (e.g. doubt, climb, knife, etc). In handwriting, we will continue to practise joining our letters within a consistently parallel ascender size and orientation.
Punctuation in Year 5 includes some exciting features to support more sophisticated sentence stuructures such as brackets, dashes, commas for a variety of purposes, colons and semi-colons and using inverted commas for dialogue.
In the spring term, we will be learning to multiply 4-digit numbers by two digits, dividing by one digit and we will also be starting our unit on fractions, looking at equivalent fractions, comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting fractions and converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers.
PE is on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and appropriate PE kit is required.
In computing, our unit Mars Rover1 explores data handling.