Year 4

Welcome to Year 4
Spring Term


Welcome to Year 4. In Year 4 we have: Mr. Oakley, Miss McDonnell, Miss Smith, Ms Tong, Mrs Farooq, Mrs Husain, Mrs Zia and Mr Qasim.


 Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure that your child has their correct PE kit in school and earrings are removed. 


 Homework is set daily and there is an agenda stuck into their Reading Journals. Reading must be completed daily. Your child will have two reading books, a library book of their choice and a book band book. 


 If you have any questions, please speak to your child's class teacher, email or phone the school office to make an appointment. Thank you for your support.


Our Experience Day will be in school and linked to making pizza!


Year 4 Welcome Meeting. Click the link below to open.
This half term we are looking at: Measure - perimeter, multiplication and division. Please use TTRS to support your child's learning of multiplication and Ed Shed. 
Useful websites:
This half term we are focusing on 'suspense' stories. We shall be focusing on sentence punctuation, descriptive language to create suspense and building tension to hook the reader. Our SPAG focus will be on capital letters, full stops, commas and apostrophes. 
Please use Spelling Shed to support your child's learning of spelling rules and patterns. 
Exploring the features of Rome and its location. 
Designing and making healthy pizzas. 


PE will be every Wednesday and Friday. We shall be playing hockey and learning dance. 
In computing, we shall be using the Chromebooks books to how to code using scratch. 
We shall be starting our learning of Spanish focusing on people around us. 
Year 4 Science Workshop
Here are a selection of photos from our Science experience day.
The children learnt about the different types of teeth. Then the they examined different animal skulls and discussed what the animal was based on the teeth. Finally, they made moulds of human teeth and discussed their name, function and location.
All the children thoroughly enjoyed the day and it enhanced our learning on teeth and eating. 

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