Year 4 Roman Day

1st January 2025

Year 4 Roman Day
On Friday 17th January, Year 4 had their Roman experience day. We were lucky enough to have a history specialist from Portals to the Past to lead us through our learning journey.
Firstly, we has some theatre looking at the key emperors in Roman History and the various attempts to invade Britain. Several children were invited up to help act out scenes and say some lines. 
Following the theatre, we learnt a wealth of Roman facts and looked at some large maps of how far the Roman Empire extended. We also learnt the reasons why the Romans wanted to invade Britain.
Next, we were split into class groups and did three activities. One activity was playing Roman games and using Roman Numerals, the second activity was a Roman quiz and researching the answers and the final activity was looking at Roman artefacts. During the artifact handling, the children learnt about Roman cooking, Roman homes and Roman money. We were even able to handle two Roman genuine coins that were over 2,000 years old!
The final part of the day was learning about the Roman army and their training. We look at Roman shields, swords, spears, helmets and body armour. We even then learnt how to march and speak to Latin phrases. 
The children had a wonderful day and they were all complimented on their enthusiasm and good questioning. 

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